“What if our greatest fear is not death but worthless life?”

This is with such premise that Anu Pennanen started her film shot in Espoo. But it went deeper. I (Minä) is a short film about unfulfilled desire, generic urban internalised conformity, and the archaic space of the primitive. Written by Stéphane Querrec, played by actress Terhi Suorlahti, it also features unmissable interpretations by Ritva Oksanen and Elina Knihtilä, and a must-listen original soundtrack by Vladislav Delay (Warp).

Date: 2022
Producer: PALO
In cooperation with: Yle Teema Finnish television channel – SES The Finnish Film Foundation – AVEK The Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture.
In association with: Linnamo Foundation – The Finnish Cultural Foundation – TAIKE The Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the Jyväskylä Art Museum.
Screenings: Espoo Ciné Film Festival, HIFF Film Festival Helsinki, Pune Film Festival India, 30° Ningbo Short Film Festival, Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève.
Watch the film here.

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